Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 articles

Don't fear the digital talks about how the world of writing and communication is always developing and changing. This article also talks about how we need to be able to adapt to the rapid changes in technology.

The multi-tasking generation was about what happens in your brain when you attempt to multi-task and how that effects the way you learn to preform a task or skill.

We can relate to Don't fear the digital because we are the generation that is developing these new ways to communicate such as, IM, texting, and e-mail. I have noticed that if you talk to the people in the older generations they are set in their ways of having to write everything out by hand.

Multi-tasking is an activity that everyone does, but most of us are not aware that we are doing it, let alone how it affects how we learn. I believe that this is a habbit that most people, including my self need to work on learning more about.

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